
Name: Maggie
Occupation: Reporter

I have, at last count, 160+ books in my immediate possession, and more still at my family’s house that I have somewhat dubious claim to. I work as a business reporter for a living and when not working, read, run, write, and follow hockey. I also knit and make jewelry, but those impulses tend to come in fits and starts.

This blog was started when I was in college, so please keep that in mind if you peruse the archives- sometimes some very poor imitations of other writers’ voices were the result. Browse those early posts at your own risk!

The blog tagline is paraphrased from a line in George Orwell’s “Confessions of a Book Reviewer,” which reads: “The best practice, it has always seemed to me, would be to simply ignore the great majority of books and to give very long reviews  – 1,000 words is the bare minimum – to the few that seem to matter.”  While I have no doubt that his take on which books matter would be very different from mine, the idea is one I think well worth undertaking.

Updates are going to be uncertain at best, due to the nature of working full-time, but I have no intention of leaving the blog or abandoning it. I hope you enjoy whatever you read, and if you decide to comment, know that I sometimes zap or edit comments for language. Other than that, you can generally expect me to respond, albeit not always promptly. Happy reading, and I look forward to talking at some possible date!

My face:


My LibraryThing, if you want to check out the books I’m reading: https://www.librarything.com/catalog/MLiberty49

14 thoughts on “About

  1. I’m absolutely loving your blog, it’s brilliant! Your topics are so original and you obviously have a great love of fantasy books. You’ve got a subscriber on your hands 😉 Looking forward to reading more of your stuff in the future! If you feel like checking out my blog you can find it here http://beckysblogs.wordpress.com/ 🙂

  2. Hello Maggie. This is a very nice blog you have here and you certainly know your books.

    I actually published a book recently and was wondering if you would be interested in reviewing it. It is a collection of three short stories called Shades of Grey. I can provide you with a code that will allow you to download a free copy if this something you would like to do.

    The Life of Brian is a timeless classic by the way.

  3. Pingback: On taking writing seriously | Thoughts, Words, Deeds, Actions
